Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Poll Results and the New Poll

Happy New Year, Everyone!

2012 went out with a whimper and the first poll here at The Unpublished Writers' Guide closed.  We only had 12 people take part, but I think it gives us a better idea of who we're targeting here.  (And yeah, since it's just me, using the 'We' kind of makes me sound like I have a frog in my pocket.)

I'll leave the results up for a few more days, but here's how they broke down.

2 people said they're still working on their first book.  Cool beans.  Keep coming and bring friends.  The Guide is all about helping people reach THE END.

1 person said she had a book finished (even if she didn't really agree with the second part of that answer - she knows what to do and is in the process of doing it).

5 people have multiple books finished, but they're still unpublished.  I'm one of the five, so I know exactly where all y'all are at.

and 4 visitors are already published authors.  You're also welcome here.  I know that publication does not mean an end to all the problems we have before our books hit the shelves.

Whatever stage you're at in your writing career, I hope you all can find something of value here at The Guide.  And if you need something you don't see, feel free to write to me.  I'll be happy to meet the needs of the visitors - within reason.  And if you have any questions you think other visitors might be able to help with, send those, too.  We can also do a once a month Q&A session, if that blows anyone's skirt up.

As for the new poll, what I'm looking for isn't how long you've been writing - because I think most of us can answer 'all our lives' in some form or another.  I'd like to see how long each of you has been writing with publication in mind.  Personally, I've been at this for nearly 9 years now.  How about you?


  1. K - I voted! Been at this for about 6 years (yeah, writing forever, but aiming for publication - 6). Seems like forever!

    Looking forward to how The Guide unfolds, I like the idea of a Q&A session!

  2. Thanks for your vote, Janet! Yeah, it seems like forever either way. I'll have to see if I can get any questions to start the Q&A off.

  3. I've been at it since 2004 and was published by Carina Press in 2010 and Avon last year...and it definitely doesn't get easier....sigh.

  4. Ooo, I think those results are interesting--and diverse! You have a decent mix of writers visiting here =)

    I shall go vote right now! Although I don't really know how long I've worked towards publication. I've always wanted to be published. Ah well, I guess I need to do some math and think really hard on when I started with RWA etc... ;)

  5. Yay. 2004 was a helluva year, JB. And I know it hasn't gotten any easier, but I'm so glad you made it because if not, I never would've been able to read your books. =oD

    Thanks, Nat. I hope to do a similar poll again later this year to see if the same types of writers are still coming by. Sorry I made you do math this time, though. ;o)


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